I’m going to say this once…

… well, maybe a few times… but here goes…

I like comments. I like writing comments on other blogs, I like reading my own comments. It makes me feel like I have a little mini fan club or something 🙂 Geeky, yes, but they always make my day. It’s one of the best parts of the wonderful world of blogging!

Why do I say this? Because I want to point out that it’s so easy to leave a comment on this blog (at least, I feel like leaving one on a WordPress blog is easier than Blogger… if you don’t have an account with either anyway). You don’t need to sign in, just leave your name and email – and write a (hopefully nice… but more important honest) comment! Easy as pie.

That’s all. It’s been a long day, so I think I’m going to settle in for some online window shopping… I’ve recently gotten sucked into the Etsy world and can’t get out!


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4 responses to “I’m going to say this once…

  1. Mie

    Signing in to say that I’m following your new blog 🙂

  2. Sarah @ Mommy Boo of Two

    Hey, I like the new blog! I, too, heart comments. They’re fun to read 🙂 Have a great weekend!

  3. writewoman

    I know how you feel! I love comments too but they seem so few and far between. My main blog is at blogspot. http://www.mid-lifemama.blogspot.com I have midlifemomma here on wordpress but most of the family and friends follow blogspot so i’m not updating as frequently here….

    Going to go check around you blog… love the layout by the way..since I chose the same one. 🙂

  4. Crystal

    I agree! While I *say* that I’m writing as an outlet just for me, I have to admit that comments make my day!

    Beware of Etsy! There’s far too much wonderful stuff on there!

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